Results for 'V. M. Nichik'

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  1. Otechestvennai︠a︡ filosofskai︠a︡ myslʹ XI-XVII vv. i grecheskai︠a︡ kulʹtura: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. M. Nichik (ed.) - 1991 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Релігійно-філософські домінанти оповідання про потопаючих петра могили та середньовічно-бароковий контекст.P. M. Yamchuk - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:151-159.
    The figure of Peter the Tomb, various aspects of his life and activity, as well as the era called by his name, have long been the subject of study by numerous scholars, comprehensive and meticulous research. It is enough to mention the works of M.Grushevsky, A.Zhukovsky, V.Klimov, A.Kolodny, V.Nichik, O.Sarapin, L.Filipovich and V.Shevchenko, in which the phenomenon of the metropolitan, his spiritual and religious dominant, is thoroughly and thoroughly explained, the influence of P. Mogila's heritage on the past and (...)
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  3. Joy and Laughter. By V.M.M. V. & Joy - 1886
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    Quo Vadis: Anthropological Dimension of the Modern Civilization Crisis.V. M. Shapoval & I. V. Tolstov - 2021 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 19:23-31.
    The purpose of the article is the analysis of the causes of the systemic crisis that hit modern civilization through the description of its main structures, identifying the relationship between its elements, assessments of their heuristic potential. This will open up opportunities for finding ways to resolve this crisis, new directions of civilizational development. Theoretical basis of the research are the systems analysis, socio-philosophical and philosophical-anthropological approaches as well as the analysis of scientific developments in the field of global studies. (...)
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  5. Problema prichinnosti v sovremennoĭ biologii.V. M. Kaganov & Georgiĭ Vasilʹevich Platonov (eds.) - 1961 - Moskva,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR.
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  6. Skeptit︠s︡izm v filosofii.V. M. Boguslavskiĭ - 1990 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by Z. A. Kamenskiĭ.
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    Experiences with community engagement and informed consent in a genetic cohort study of severe childhood diseases in Kenya.V. M. Marsh, D. M. Kamuya, A. M. Mlamba, T. N. Williams & S. S. Molyneux - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):13-13.
    BackgroundThe potential contribution of community engagement to addressing ethical challenges for international biomedical research is well described, but there is relatively little documented experience of community engagement to inform its development in practice. This paper draws on experiences around community engagement and informed consent during a genetic cohort study in Kenya to contribute to understanding the strengths and challenges of community engagement in supporting ethical research practice, focusing on issues of communication, the role of field workers in 'doing ethics' on (...)
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    Individualʹnoe i universalʹnoe kak zerkalo vechnogo protivostoi︠a︡nii︠a︡ v filosofii.V. M. Dorokhin - 2010 - Sankt-Peterburg: I︠U︡rid. t︠s︡entr Press.
    В монографии рассматривается соотношение индивидуальных и универсальных начал в праве как эффективное средство решения многих правовых проблем, как руководство в законодательной и судебной деятельности.
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    Mindful Inquiry in Social Research, V.M. Bentz and J.J. Shapiro. [REVIEW]V. M. Bentz & J. J. Shapiro - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (3):251-259.
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  10. I︠A︡zykoznanie v I︠A︡ponii.V. M. Alpatov & Igorʹ Fridrikhovich Vardulʹ (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: "Raduga".
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    Sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ B.N. Chicherina: sistemnyĭ analiz.V. M. Lobeeva - 2012 - Moskva: Kanon+. Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡.
    В монографии проводится системный анализ социальной философия одного из самых значительных отечественных социальных мыслителей Б. Н. Чичерина. Для читателей, интересующихся историей отечественной социально-философской мысли.
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  12. Marks protiv marksizma: statʹi na nepopuli︠a︡rnui︠u︡ temu.V. M. Mezhuev - 2007 - Moskva: Kulʹturnai︠a︡ Revoliutsii︠a︡.
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    Philosophy Is the Essence of European Culture.V. M. Mezhuev - 2003 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (4):66-68.
    Man's relation to culture is not limited simply to knowing it. There are other modalities of this relationship. For one, man in some way lives in culture, he exists in it, even if for some time he does notwardrealize this. Second, he participates in one way or another in the process of forming it, he creates it. Only later does culture become an object of knowledge for him. What makes him study and understand culture if previously he had gotten along (...)
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  14. Ėti︠u︡dy po sovremennoĭ ėtiki︠e︡.V. M. Khvostov - 1908
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  15. Mikhail Vasil'evich Serebriakov.V. M. Zverev - 1968 - [S.l.: [S.N.]. Edited by V. I. Klushin.
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    Vera kak poni︠a︡tie-fetish: o virusnom porazhenii myshlenii︠a︡.M. I︠U︡ Nevelëv - 2004 - Moskva: URSS.
  17. Nekotorye filosofskie voprosy estestvoznanii︠a︡.V. M. Kaganov (ed.) - 1957 - Moskva,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR.
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  18. Filosofia e post-filosofia in America. Rorty, Bernestein, MacIntyre.M. V. M. V. - 1991 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 11:494.
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    Distinguishing and interrelation of the notions “concept”, “scheme”, “metaphor”.V. M. Rozin - forthcoming - Vox Philosophical journal.
    The article proposes a methodological scheme, on the one hand, describing the process of the formation of a new reality, which can later be constituted as an object (cognition or ideal), on the other hand, including logical “stops” interpreted as schemes, concepts and metaphors. The author presents a point of view on the distinction between the scheme and the concept of A. P. Ogurtsov, as well as his study of the development of metaphor in political discourse. On the material of (...)
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    Structural-parametric synthesis of deep learning neural networks.Sineglazov V. M. & Chumachenko O. I. - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 25 (4):42-51.
    The structural-parametric synthesis of neural networks of deep learning, in particular convolutional neural networks used in image processing, is considered. The classification of modern architectures of convolutional neural networks is given. It is shown that almost every convolutional neural network, depending on its topology, has unique blocks that determine its essential features, Residual block, Inception module, ResNeXt block. It is stated the problem of structural-parametric synthesis of convolutional neural networks, for the solution of which it is proposed to use a (...)
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  21.  48
    Thermodynamic approach to the problem of economic equilibrium.V. M. Sergeev - 2003 - In J. B. Nation, Formal descriptions of developing systems. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 45--58.
  22. Sot︠s︡iologicheskoe prochtenie filosofskikh ideĭ Rossiĭ XVIII veka: kontent-analiz.V. M. Zverev - 1998 - Sankt-Peterburg: Russkiĭ Khristi︠a︡nskiĭ gumanitarnyi in-t.
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    For freedom.V. M. Tarkunde - 1984 - New Delhi: V.M. Tarkunde Felicitation Committee.
  24. Ot Renessansa k klassit︠s︡izmu: (Stanovlenie ėstet. mysli Belorussii v XVI-XVIII vv.).V. M. Konon - 1978 - Minsk: Nauka ; tekhnika. Edited by A. S. Maĭkhrovich.
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    Moral collisions of the modern Russian society in the context of its fundamental changes.V. M. Sokolov - 1996 - Journal of Value Inquiry 30 (1-2):157-167.
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  26. La "religionsgeschichtliche Schule", de Hugo Gressmann.V. M. V. M. - 1915 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 3 (16):323.
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    Taĭny ėstetiki.V. M. Zharinov - 1993 - Moskva: "Pami︠a︡tʹ".
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  28. Iz istorii ideĭnykh iskaniĭ ėpokhi nemet︠s︡koĭ klassicheskoĭ filosofii.V. M. Boguslavskiĭ & V. A. Zhuchkov (eds.) - 1985 - Moskva: Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR, In-t filosofii AN SSSR.
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  29. Postmodernistskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ iskusstva: istoki i sovremennostʹ.V. M. Dianova - 1999 - Sankt-Peterburg: Petropolis.
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  30. Hromadsʹko-naukovyĭ proekt Dialoh t︠s︡yvilizat︠s︡iĭ--novi prynt︠s︡ypy orhanizat︠s︡iï svitu: materialy Vsesvitnʹoï konferent︠s︡iï, Kyïv, 24 travni︠a︡ 2002 r. = Social and scientific project Dialogue of civilizations--new principles of world organization: materials of the world conference, Kyiv, May 24, 2002.V. M. Chyrkov (ed.) - 2002 - Kyïv: MAUP.
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  31. Lametri.V. M. Boguslavskiĭ - 1977 - Moskva: Myslʹ.
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  32. Filosofii︠a︡ ta sotsiologii︠a︡.V. M. Goncharova, V. O. Nosenko & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1969
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  33. Language and World, Contributions to the 32nd International Wittgenstein Symposium.V. M. Muntz, K. Puhl & J. Wang (eds.) - 2009
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  34. Frant︠s︡isko Sanchez: frant︠s︡uzskiĭ predshestvennik Frensisa Bėkona.V. M. Boguslavskiĭ - 2001 - Moskva: [S.N.].
  35. Übungen zur Logik.V. M. Boguslavskiĭ - 1954 - Berlin,: Volk und Wissen.
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    Nationalities problems in the Soviet Union.V. M. Sergeev - 1991 - Theory and Society 20 (5):697-700.
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    Allotropic forms of carbon in the Invar Fe–Ni–C alloy before and after plastic deformation by upsetting.V. M. Nadutov, D. L. Vashchuk, V. L. Karbivskii, P. Yu Volosevich & O. A. Davydenko - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-12.
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    Ukraïnsʹki humanisty epokhy Vidroz︠h︡denii︠a︡: antolohii︠a︡ u 2 chastynakh.V. M. Nichyk (ed.) - 1995 - Kyïv: Osnovy.
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    Mythology and theology. Second article.V. M. Naydysh - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):210-221.
    The concept of interpretation is applicable to any forms of knowledge, including systems of religious knowledge, designing the ideal model of the subject of religious veneration. The author analyzes the epistemological features of theology as a form of spiritual culture, its formation in ancient culture. It is shown that the epistemological basis for overcoming mythological consciousness was the decentralization of thinking, i.e. development of the ability of consciousness in the construction of the image, the picture of the world to correct (...)
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  40. Working with Concepts: The Role of Community in International Collaborative Biomedical Research.V. M. Marsh, D. K. Kamuya, M. J. Parker & C. S. Molyneux - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (1):26-39.
    The importance of communities in strengthening the ethics of international collaborative research is increasingly highlighted, but there has been much debate about the meaning of the term ‘community’ and its specific normative contribution. We argue that ‘community’ is a contingent concept that plays an important normative role in research through the existence of morally significant interplay between notions of community and individuality. We draw on experience of community engagement in rural Kenya to illustrate two aspects of this interplay: (i) that (...)
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    Human Rights and the Ideological Struggle.V. M. Chkhikvadze - 1977 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 16 (3):3-18.
    Questions pertaining to socialist democracy and human rights and freedoms have now been advanced to the front lines of the ideological struggle between the forces of socialism, peace, and democracy, on the one hand, and those of imperialism, war, and reaction, on the other. This is due to the content and features of the worldwide development of societies today, one direction of which is a universal increase in the political self-awareness and social activity of the working class and the entire (...)
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  42. Visual recognition as controlled search of complicated fragments.V. M. Krol - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 73-73.
  43. Translating linguistic research into teaching: Precaution and promise in the application of natural language processing.V. M. Holland - forthcoming - Nexus.
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  44. Demokraticheskai︠a︡ ėstetika Belorussii.V. M. Konon - 1971 - "Nauka I Tekhnika,".
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  45. Utverdz︠h︡ui︠u︡chy moralʹni t︠s︡innosti.V. M. Basarab (ed.) - 1984 - Kyïv: Vyd-vo polit. lit-ry Ukraïny.
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    Sverkhvozmozhnosti cheloveka.V. M. Kandyba - 1996 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo "Maket".
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    Historyi︠a︡ ėstėtychnaĭ dumki Belarusi u trokh tamakh.V. M. Konon - 2010 - Minsk: Belaruskai︠a︡ navuka.
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    Family Dynamics and Children in Medical Research.V. M. Gordon & F. O. Bonkovsky - 1996 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 7 (4):349-354.
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    The Militarization of Space: A New Global Danger.V. M. Gavrilov & M. Iu Sitnina - 1986 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 25 (3):27-45.
    The struggle for peace and social progress was and remains a strategic policy of the Soviet state. As the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, M.S. Gorbachev, stated it at the Extraordinary March Plenum of the Central Committee, it is now vital to reach agreement "on an immediate end to the arms race—particularly nuclear arms—on earth and the banning of it in space.".
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  50. Nravstvennyĭ mir sovetskogo cheloveka: opyt sot︠s︡iologicheskogo analiza nravstvennykh problem sovremennika.V. M. Sokolov - 1981 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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